Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Just Because

I've been feeling pretty crumby lately. It's for many reasons, but the only real tangible one I over-focus on so I have an excuse for moping. I keep starting all these long posts about how I can't get over someone, not because I want to get back together (he's a jerk), but because I'm better than him (goddess complex- I know that seems rather odd considering my actual self image, what can I say? I'm a conundrum). Not saying I don't miss things, but the reality is, even though I left him, I think he won the break-up, and it's killing me. I just can't move on. Maybe at some point I'll figure all that crap out and write a legitimate post, or not, maybe it'll always just sound whiny, but for now, to cheer myself up, I drew "Stan." That always makes me feel better. He isn't doing anything particularly funny today, just walking back and forth, but he's comical enough as is.

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